Friday, May 6, 2011

Synchronizing passwords with Self Service Password Reset Manager (SSRPM) and the User Management Resource Administrator (UMRA)

At times, remembering many passwords can be not only a chore for your end users, but can lead to security vulnerabilities.  This is especially true if passwords are stored on sticky notes around their monitor.  Using a single password for multiple systems can alleviate some of these pains.  Tools4ever’s SSRPM and UMRA allow you to execute a process that updates other systems when a user resets their password through SSRPM.

The first step is to utilize SSRPM to handle forgotten password requests.  Once this is set up in your environment, the next step is to configure a UMRA project to update another system other than Active Directory.  Once this project is configured, you then must enable the execution of the project and the name of the computer that hosts the UMRA service.

SSRPM Service Config Screen.

The next step is to make sure your UMRA project is utilizing the variables that are coming from the SSRPM execution.  You can adjust these as you wish, but the default values are usually sufficient.  There are many variables available to use, however the most common that you will need are %SSRPMUserPassword% and %UserODN%.  The password variable is the value of the password sent from the SSRPM COM object to the UMRA project.  The UserODN variable is the distinguished name of the account, and is what we will use to identify the user account.  Check out for more tips on UMRA configuration.

SSRPM to UMRA variable listing.

As you can see each function that SSRPM calls can execute an UMRA project.  In our example above, now when someone executes a reset in SSRPM, we will fire off the project titled SSRPM Reset.  Now your end users passwords are synced up with their Active Directory password.